London's 2012 Olympic Stadium to be a Swamp

APRIL 1st 2010 - Ministers plan to turn London's 2012 Olympic Stadium into a Swamp post 2012 Olympics

Innovative plans are to be unveiled later today to turn London's massive Olympic Stadium into an enormous algal swamp following the 2012 Olympics as part of a new nutrition, health and sustainability scheme.

Following revelations of Gordon Brown's new proposed LOHAS LAW that will make it compulsory for for schools and hospitals to adopt a healthy and sustainable Meat free Monday, other secret plans to transform the NHS and save money have come to light.

Olympic Park Legacy Company chair Margaret Ford and chief executive Andrew Altman have apparently been left 'unimpressed' by West Ham Football club's bid for the Olympic stadium. "They'd have to be Manchester United to make it work and even then the sums don't add up on less than 2 games a week" revealed an aid.

More lucrative and viable negotiations have meanwhile taken place between two London based entrepreneurial functional food development companies and Algae specialists, Water4Life and Eau+, and government health ministers to transform the Olympic stadium in London's East End into a gigantic pond when the 2012 Olympics is over.

The plan is to seal up the entrances and fill the stadium with salt water to then use it for farming a special secret type of algae that is rich in omega 3 long chain fatty acids EPA and DHA revealed contractor

Health practitioners and particularly nutritionists are convinced that part of the reason for escalating preventable chronic diseases and ill health is a lack of these essential fats in our modern diet.

London Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston explains "Because meat is mass produced, with animals kept in unnatural conditions and fed an unnatural diet there is a widening discrepancy between the nutrients that are assumed to be in meat and actual modern levels. We are finding high levels of saturated fat and low levels of omega 3 fats in patients diets. Meanwhile studies are finding increasing levels of toxins in fish."

"Essential fats are essential for the quality and repair of every cell membrane in the body - a lack of the optimum balance of essential fats can lead to fertility problems, mood problems, skin problems, immune system problems, cognitive dysfunction, weight issues, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, reduced heart health, visual impairment and erectile dysfunction"

Plans are being discussed to produce millions of tons of omega 3 rich algae that can be distributed free to school children and hospital patients via seaweed and algae shakes, and added to bread, pasta and even ice cream.

Businessman and health innovator Tom Brudenell-Bruce says "We already have 90% proof DHA rich algae for enhancing functional food products but we need to start producing algae on a massive scale if we want to get the price down to a 10th of the price of fish oil so that the government can afford to give V-Pure algae away for free"

Collaborators on the film 'The End of the Line' are delighted with the news and say "this investment is long overdue fishing is unsustainable and there are increasing levels of toxins to worry about too"

Campaigners are hoping Sir Richard Branson will get involved as algae can also be used as a fuel and is said to be one of the options that Branson is considering to make Virgin Airways much more sustainable than competitor airlines.

Fish Oil under attack

Wading into fish oil supplement safety

The health industry's love of fish, fish oil and fish oil supplements came under attack this week

In San Francisco omega 3 fish oil supplement manufacturers are being sued over toxin levels.

(From San Francisco Chronicle)
Ten over-the-counter fish oil supplements - of the at least 200 brands estimated to be on the market - were tested by Mateel and found to contain toxins called polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs. The levels, not disclosed on labels, varied widely; some were far above what requires a warning label under California's Proposition 65 disclosure rules, which mandate that manufacturers list certain toxins in their products. Among those toxins are PCBs because of their carcinogenic risks as well as their link to reproductive problems. California has set an acceptable risk level for PCBs as carcinogens: a scant 90 billionths of a gram a day (90 nanograms). No acceptable risk level has been set for reproductive effects.
The tests, conducted on manufacturers' recommendations for daily dosages, which vary widely, found that three of the 10 products contained PCB levels above that benchmark for carcinogens. David Roe, an attorney for the environmental plaintiffs, says Mateel tested daily dosages because the results would yield a true measure of daily intake because most consumers follow label recommendations. The lowest level, found in Solgar's Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, was 70 times below the highest, found in Now Foods Salmon Oil. Different dosages could account for some of the variance among the products, but the tests found that concentration levels of PCBs varied as well.
Toxicity can vary widely in fish oil, depending on what kind of fish is used and the contamination in its habitat waters, scientists say. Older, bigger fish tend to build up more PCBs in their fatty tissues than smaller fish, but habitat is still key.
Read more:

In another report resurfacing from last summer fish and fish oils are accused of increasing the risk of Type 2 diabetes by up to 22% if consumed more than 5 times a week

A Harvard study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition links fish and omega-3 oil consumption to type 2 diabetes. Following 195,204 adults for 14 to18 years, researchers found that the more fish or omega-3 fatty acids participants consumed, the higher their risk of developing diabetes. The risk increase was modest for occasional fish eaters, but rose to a 22 percent increased risk for women consuming five or more fish servings per week.
Prior studies have suggested that fat accumulation within muscle cells can lead to insulin resistance which, in turn, contributes to diabetes. People who eat no animal products have less fat in their cells and much less risk of developing diabetes. A low-fat vegan diet has been shown to improve type 2 diabetes.
Kaushik M, Mozaffarian D, Spiegelman D, Manson JE, Willett WC, Hu FB. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, fish intake, and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jul 22.

Safer , sustainable , toxin free omega 3 long chain essential fat alternatives are now being offered from EPA and DHA rich Algae oils and plant oils such as Echium oil

Seaweed fights obesity, researchers in Newcastle claim

BBC News - Seaweed fights obesity, researchers in Newcastle claim

Great to see a bit of seaweed research hitting the news and getting national headlines for seaweed again.

As followers of this blog, London nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston and Foods for Life will be well aware we have been singing the praises of seaweed and algae for a long time now.

A seaweed and algae shake is an excellent way for busy people (as seen with Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss) to get extra nutrients into their diet.

Two of our favourites are Pro Greens and Slim Greens although just adding a little chlorella algae to a fruit smoothie could help a great deal.

BBC TV and Radio reported today that Newcastle University researchers found alginate - a fibre found in sea kelp - reduces the body's fat uptake by more than 75%. That is better than most anti-obesity treatments.

However rather than just encourage people to eat more Japanese food such as miso soups and sushi their idea is to add it to crap food that contains a lot of trans fats and saturated fats so that people can continue to eat rubbish food and not get quite so obese on it.

BBC report Dr Iain Brownlee, who co-led the Tyneside team, said: "This research suggests that if we can add the natural fibre to products commonly eaten daily, such as bread, biscuits and yoghurts, up to three quarters of the fat contained in that meal could simply pass through the body."

AAARRGGHH! Nooooo! Their logic is amazing - so we continue to take the natural fibre and nutrients out of bread and biscuits losing up to 95% of some nutrients and using adulterated fats that poison the brain and a whole ton of sugar but we add in a little weenie bit of seaweed fibre in and all the world's obesity problems will be over!

London Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston says "Yes seaweed offers some important nutrients (such as iodine) to our nutrient deficient diets but if you want to lose weight and be healthier you have to start eating food for your brain not food for your bum!"

Buy Pro Greens Seaweed & Algae Shake at discount prices
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